27. Luma Health Subprocessors

Luma Health uses some third-party subprocessors to provide its services to customers. These include Cloud Hosting, Database Hosting and Messaging Services.

Depending on the data our customers choose to provide to Luma Health, the data processed by those third-party subprocessors could contain Personally Indentifiable Information (PII) or Protected Healthcare Information (PHI).

Luma Health’s subprocessors are not able to access the contents of any data they process as it is transferred and stored in an encrypted state, and Luma Health controls the encryption key.

A current list of Luma Health subprocessors can be found within our support portal, we do not publish this information publically for security reasons. If you are not a current Luma Health customer, a list of our subprocessors can be provided following the execution of a mutual Non Disclosure Agreement.